
Marketplace Management

MCM Release Notes 2.7.24

Variation publishing
- Multiple updates were made related to publishing variation products:
  • A price is no longer required on a variation parent when publishing a variation group.
  • We no longer require or display variant properties, like color value, at the parent level
  • If variant properties are included on the parent, we no longer send them during publication so that we can prevent publication errors on the users behalf.
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 9
Variation imports
- A setting has been added to turn Amazon variation relationship imports on and off. It will default to off for all new integrations. This will allow users to sell variants as single items without Amazon importing the variation relationship into MCM which can make publication more difficult.
Default property values
When listing to ebay, an eBay type property is often required and a specific value must be set. When eBay accepts only one value for that required property, we will automatically send that value during publication so that users don't have to explicitly set the value, which can save time during publication.
Bug Fixes
Buy Box adjustments
- For high priced items, the Amazon buybox pricing strategy was making larger price adjustments than required to capture the buybox. The strategy has been adjusted to make only the small changes needed.
Deprecated categories
- Some deprecated marketplace categories were preventing users from searching for products from the 'add by search' screen. We have updated our category tree to ignore these deprecated categories.
TikTok Shop publishing errors
  • Shipping dimensions in MM that converted to an amount < 1 inch were resulting in a publishing error. This has now been fixed so that the MM values are rounded up. These dimensions are only used to calculate shipping estimates. For exact MM dimensions values < 1 inch to be displayed to shoppers, we recommend including them in your product description.
  • We no longer require a product identifier when publishing to TikTok
Shopify publishing error
- Duplicate products were being created when content updates were published for variant products. This has now been resolved so that the changes are only reflected on the original product.