Amazon product detail import creating variation sets
Lataundra Lowry
When product detail is imported or added from Amazon it often creates unwanted variants for that product. The variant products are not part of our inventory and are deleted but keep reimporting and creating an automatic variation set. Is it possible to turn this feature off and only import the ASIN of the actual item and not the parent/variants as with the previous setup?
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Cart Product Team
Linda Ho
Hello. Thanks for your feedback. We recently introduced a new integration setting to allow you to decide if you want to import variation relationships or not called "import variation relationships."
Import Listings: This allows Marketplace Management to pull in your product information (including Quantities and Prices). Toggle on "Import variation relationships" if you would like variation relationships created automatically for products found on Amazon.
Please reach out to to learn more. We'll also follow up with you directly via email to follow up on this.