Inventory report with SKU, Quantity, Cost from individual warehouses
Julie Thibodeau
It would be helpful for year-end inventory counts to be able to pull a report of the SKUs with quantity AND cost for each of the warehouses.
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Cart Product Team
Julie Thibodeau
I have several warehouses for which I have stock. At the end of the year, I need a count, alongside the cost, of inventory in each warehouse for the year so I can have an inventory valuation for each warehouse, not the total of all the warehouses together. There is currently no way to do this. There is an inventory report for a quantity with the SKU, but not the cost of the SKU item alongside that as well to do an easy valuation. I have had to use the "fulfillment cost" in order to get the data I need for this, which makes other reports inaccurate.
Cart Product Team
under review